Welcome to the second edition of ‘The Healing Tribune.’ Today, I will discuss testicular cancer. I selected this for the second edition of The Healing Tribune because two months after Dr. Hamer’s son Dirk was killed, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer.
The diagnosis affecting his reproductive organ, two months after the untimely death of his 19-year-old son, initiated a thought process in Dr. Hamer – surely the two were connected, but how?
The incident began Dr. Hamer’s lifelong journey of discovery leading him to establish a new medical science, Germanic New Medicine (GNM) or Germanische Heilkunde (GHK). In English, this is loosely translated to Germanic Healing Knowledge.
One in 250 is diagnosed with testicular cancer, making this a relatively rare cancer among men. This can be contrasted with prostate cancer, which is the second leading cause of death for men. One in 41 men dies of prostate cancer.
I will examine the Conventional Medicine (CM) explanations for testicular cancer. You can reference these details in any mainstream conventional medicine website. They are all very similar with minor differences in detail. I will then contrast it with Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s explanation of the condition.
I will share my personal experience of testicular cancer, and how I resolved the emotional trauma that caused it, 20 years later. I will also make my own comments and observations on the different schools of thought.
I will assume that you have not heard of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. It is a safe assumption, as most have not.
Brief Introduction to Germanic Healing Knowledge
Brief Introduction to Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHk)
GHk or GNM is a form of mind-body medicine. Its founder, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, was a traditionally-trained medical doctor from Germany. He specialized in internal medicine and medical research.
Every time we are faced with a challenge in life, our subconscious mind (or psyche as termed by Dr. Hamer), respond by increasing or decreasing our organ’s capacity to help us solve that life challenge. This would be analogous to putting your foot on the accelerator or brake of your vehicle to avoid a road accident.
To increase our capacity, some parts of our body will add tissue when we face the problem, and remove tissue after we have solved it. In other parts of the body, it is the reverse. This process of adding and removing tissue leads to changes in the body’s wellbeing and is generally what medical doctors call disease.
The easiest way to understand the process of tissue being added and removed is to look at a woman’s menstrual cycle. In the first half of a woman’s cycle, tissue is added to the walls of the uterus. If she does not get pregnant, the extra tissue is removed via bleeding, often accompanied by cramps and pain.
Dr. Hamer discovered that testicular cancer he experienced after his son was murdered was not random and had a biological purpose. Increasing the functional tissue in the testicle increases testosterone and sperm production. This makes a man more fertile so he is better able to get a woman pregnant and replace the child he just lost.
According to Dr. Hamer, there are two types of testicular cancer. A testicular Teratoma, and a testicular Seminoma Leydig cancer. In the Teratoma, tissue is added during the first phase called the conflict activity, and removed when we resolve the conflict in the second, healing or repair phase. In the Seminoma Leydig cancer, it is the reverse. The testicle is reduced in size during the conflict activity, and restored during the healing or repair phase.
If you want to test this medical science for yourself, think about something you really dislike, something in your life that really ‘stinks’ or ‘sucks.’ Think about it intensely. A little while after you start thinking about it, your nose will start running. A runny nose is caused by a ‘stinking conflict.’
Now follow this exercise. Speak to your subconscious mind and say to it, “I know my nose is running because I was just thinking intensely about something I hate (fill in the blanks what you were just thinking about), please switch off my runny nose.” What happened to your runny nose?
If there is a problem in your life that you have been ‘biting your tongue’ and not speaking about, gather the courage to talk about it. Soon after, your tongue will become hyper-sensitive, and you will get painful ulcers on the tongue!
Follow the same exercise with your tongue. Say to yourself, “I know my tongue is sore because I was biting my tongue about (fill in the blanks) and I gained the courage to speak about it.”
Depending on how long you were biting your tongue on the issue, and how important the issue was to you, it will determine whether you either downgrade the pain on the tongue or switch it off completely. The longer you have bitten your tongue for, and the more important it was to you, the less the pain from the ulcers will reduce, and the longer they will take to heal.
Congratulations, you have just learned to switch biological programs (disease) on and off.
Once you have personal experience of how this medical science works, even deliberately making your nose run or tongue sore, it significantly increases your ability to believe that this medical science is the real deal. Every subsequent healing experience increases your conviction.
In my experience, it is the Holy Grail of health and wellness.
You can read a much more detailed explanation about Dr. Hamer and his medical discoveries in my book, ‘Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis.’
Danny’s Experience
Danny’s Experience
In the 1990s, I lived in the UK. I was engaged to be married from 1988 until I ended the relationship in 1995. After I informed my then fiancée that the relationship was over, she told me that whilst I was studying, she became pregnant. Because she did not want to distract my attention from my studies, she took the unilateral decision to keep the pregnancy a secret and terminate it.
When she finally told me about the pregnancy and termination, it was an unexpected traumatic shock. I did not know this at the time, but her disclosure triggered simultaneous testicular and lung cancer processes in my body.
According to Dr. Hamer, testicular cancer is caused either by a profound loss that causes a Teratoma cancer, or a loss conflict that causes a Seminoma Leydig cancer. A ‘fear’ of loss also triggers the Seminoma cancer biological program. You do not have to experience the loss, the fear of loss is sufficient to cause the problem to start.
Lung cancer is caused by a fear of death for self or a loved one. The lung cancer I experienced would have been triggered by a fear of death for the unborn child. The problem was naturally resolved when I married my first wife in 1999. My lung partially collapsed on my honeymoon in Venice and fully collapsed three months later. I should not have survived this, but I did.
I did not discover the testicular cancer until 2015 when I had my brain CT scan done as part of my Germanic Healing Knowledge training to learn to read brain CT scans. My teacher, Ilsedora Laker, after reading my brain CT, commented that I had a long-term loss conflict running on my left testicle. And she was right.
By this time, my left testicle was about half the size of my right testicle. I am right brain-wired so my left testicle is affected by conflicts with my mother and children. I cover the topic of laterality and brain wiring in more detail below.
I separated from my ex-wife in 2011 and re-married in 2016. Neither my second wife nor I wanted to have children. So in 2018, I agreed I would take over responsibility for contraception in our relationship and had a vasectomy.
Cutting the seminal tubes to the testicles put the loss conflict in my left testicle into a natural resolution and my left testicle started healing. I had excruciating testicular pain for about four to five months while the testicle regrew. I knew that if I went to a medical doctor for a diagnosis, it would be diagnosed as testicular cancer, a Seminoma, Leydig cell tumor.
Because I was aware that the loss conflict was running, and I had a strong suspicion that the vasectomy could trigger it to start healing, I did not go for a formal diagnosis. There was no point. I had a choice of either living with the testicular pain knowing that it was short-term and would end at some point, or getting a formal medical diagnosis with the prospect of having my testicle removed, and taking chemotherapy that has nearly a 98% chance of killing me.
The reason why I was able to make an informed decision between my options is that I had knowledge of what caused the problem, and the journey I would have to go through for it to heal, ‘before the problem started’.
Thanks to Dr. Hamer, I was also aware that the ‘biological purpose’ of this particular ‘biological program’ is to replenish the tissue in the testicle. This increases a man’s capacity to produce testosterone and sperm at the end of the healing or repair process, once the pain ended. This knowledge made the pain more bearable!
So for me, given the choice of going to a medical doctor and having my testicle removed and chancing my life with chemotherapy, or managing a few months of excruciating testicular pain in the knowledge that it would produce more testosterone and sperm and make me more fertile at the completion of the healing process (had I not had a vasectomy), was a no-brainer.
I was only able to piece together the cause of my collapsed lung and testicular cancer after I started studying Germanic Healing Knowledge. When my lung collapsed, I was diagnosed with spontaneous pneumothorax and doctors did not know what caused it.
According to Dr. Hamer, the wall of the lung can burst open during the healing crisis of a lung cancer program. And this is what happened to my lung. I will address this biological program (or disease) in an upcoming edition of The Healing Tribune.
Conventional Medicine (CM) Explanation for Testicular Cancer
Conventional Medicine (CM) Explanation for Testicular Cancer
After writing this post, my lovely wife does my post-editing. She commented, “Danny, you have to reduce the amount of content you include from the Conventional Medicine websites, it is a complete bunch of goobedly-gook!”
I thought about her feedback and decided to leave the content in the post. Whilst I agree with my wife’s conclusion, this is the Conventional Medicine description of testicular cancer. For you to be able to objectively contrast the two schools of thought, you need to be exposed to detailed explanations in both medical sciences.
Testicular cancer occurs in the testicles (testes), which are located inside the scrotum, a loose bag of skin underneath the penis. The testicles produce male sex hormones and sperm for reproduction.
Compared with other types of cancer, testicular cancer is rare. But testicular cancer is the most common cancer in American males between the ages of 15 and 35.
Testicular cancer is highly treatable, even when cancer has spread beyond the testicle. Depending on the type and stage of testicular cancer, you may receive one of several treatments or a combination.
Signs and symptoms of testicular cancer include:
- A lump or enlargement in either testicle
- A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
- A dull ache in the abdomen or groin
- A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum
- Pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum
- Enlargement or tenderness of the breasts
- Back pain
Cancer usually affects only one testicle.
Types of testicular cancer
The testicles are made up of many types of cells, each of which can develop into one or more types of cancer. It’s important to know the type of cell cancer started in and what kind of cancer it is because they differ in how they’re treated and in their prognosis (outlook).
Doctors can tell what type of testicular cancer you have by looking at the cells under a microscope.
Germ cell tumors
More than 90% of cancers of the testicle start in cells known as germ cells. These are the cells that make sperm. The main types of germ cell tumors (GCTs) in the testicles are seminomas and non-seminomas.
These types occur about equally. Many testicular cancers contain both seminoma and non-seminoma cells. These mixed germ cell tumors are treated as non-seminomas because they grow and spread like non-seminomas.
Seminomas tend to grow and spread more slowly than non-seminomas. The 2 main sub-types of these tumors are classical (or typical) seminomas and spermatocytic seminomas.
- Classical seminoma: More than 95% of seminomas are classical. These usually occur in men between 25 and 45.
- Spermatocytic seminoma: This rare type of seminoma tends to occur in older men. (The average age is about 65.) Spermatocytic tumors tend to grow more slowly and are less likely to spread to other parts of the body than classical seminomas.
Some seminomas can increase blood levels of a protein called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). HCG can be checked with a simple blood test and is considered a tumor marker for certain types of testicular cancer. It can be used for diagnosis and to check how the patient is responding to treatment.
These types of germ cell tumors usually occur in men between their late teens and early 30s. The 4 main types of non-seminoma tumors are embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, and teratoma. Most tumors are a mix of different types (sometimes with seminoma cells too), but this doesn’t change the treatment of most non-seminoma cancers.
Embryonal carcinoma: These cells are found in about 40% of testicular tumors, but pure embryonal carcinomas occur only 3% to 4% of the time. When seen under a microscope, these tumors can look like tissues of very early embryos. This type of non-seminoma tends to grow rapidly and spread outside the testicle.
Embryonal carcinoma can increase blood levels of a tumor marker protein called alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), as well as human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).
Yolk sac carcinoma: These tumors are so named because their cells look like the yolk sac of an early human embryo. Other names for this cancer include yolk sac tumor, endodermal sinus tumor, infantile embryonal carcinoma, or orchidoblastoma.
This is the most common form of testicular cancer in children (especially in infants), but pure yolk sac carcinomas (tumors that do not have other types of non-seminoma cells in them) are rare in adults. When they occur in children, these tumors usually are treated successfully. But they’re of more concern when they occur in adults, especially if they are pure. Yolk sac carcinomas respond very well to chemotherapy, even if they have spread.
This type of tumor almost always increases blood levels of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein).
Choriocarcinoma: This is a very rare and fast-growing type of testicular cancer in adults. Pure choriocarcinoma is likely to spread rapidly to other parts of the body, including the lungs, bones, and brain. More often, choriocarcinoma cells are seen with other types of non-seminoma cells in a mixed germ cell tumor. These mixed tumors tend to have a somewhat better outlook than pure choriocarcinomas, although the presence of choriocarcinoma is always a worrisome finding.
This type of tumor increases blood levels of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).
Teratoma: Teratomas are germ cell tumors with areas that, under a microscope, look like each of the 3 layers of a developing embryo: the endoderm (innermost layer), mesoderm (middle layer), and ectoderm (outer layer). Pure teratomas of the testicles are rare and do not increase AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) or HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels. Most often, teratomas are seen as parts of mixed germ cell tumors.
There are 3 main types of teratomas:
- Mature teratomas are tumors formed by cells a lot like the cells of adult tissues. They rarely spread. They can usually be cured with surgery, but some come back (recur) after treatment.
- Immature teratomas are less well-developed cancers with cells that look like those of an early embryo. This type is more likely than a mature teratoma to grow into (invade) nearby tissues, spread (metastasize) outside the testicle, and come back (recur) years after treatment.
- Teratomas with somatic type malignancy are very rare. These cancers have some areas that look like mature teratomas but have other areas where the cells have become a type of cancer that normally develops outside the testicle (such as a sarcoma, adenocarcinoma, or even leukemia).
Carcinoma in situ of the testicle
Testicular germ cell cancers can start as a non-invasive form of the disease called carcinoma in situ (CIS) or intratubular germ cell neoplasia. In testicular CIS, the cells look abnormal under the microscope, but they have not yet spread outside the walls of the seminiferous tubules (where sperm cells are formed). Carcinoma in situ doesn’t always progress to invasive cancer.
It’s hard to find CIS before it becomes invasive cancer because it generally doesn’t cause symptoms or form a lump that you or the doctor can feel. The only way to diagnose testicular CIS is to have a biopsy. (This is a procedure to take out a tiny bit of tissue so it can be checked under a microscope.) Sometimes CIS is found incidentally (by accident) when a testicular biopsy is done for another reason, such as infertility.
Experts don’t agree on the best treatment for CIS. Since CIS doesn’t always become invasive cancer, many doctors in the United States consider observation (watchful waiting) to be the best treatment option.
When the CIS of the testicle becomes invasive, its cells are no longer just in the seminiferous tubules, they’ve grown into other structures of the testicle. These cancer cells can then spread either to the lymph nodes (small, bean-shaped collections of white blood cells) through lymphatic vessels (tiny fluid-filled tubes that connect the lymph nodes), or through the blood to other parts of the body.
Stromal tumors
Tumors can also start in the supportive and hormone-producing tissues, or stroma, of the testicles. These tumors are known as gonadal stromal tumors. They make up less than 5% of adult testicular tumors, but up to 20% of childhood testicular tumors. The main types are Leydig cell tumors and Sertoli cell tumors.
Leydig cell tumors
These tumors start in the Leydig cells in the testicle that normally make male sex hormones (androgens like testosterone). Leydig cell tumors can develop in both adults and children. These tumors often make androgens (male hormones), but sometimes they make estrogens (female sex hormones).
Most Leydig cell tumors are not cancer (benign). They seldom spread beyond the testicle and can often be cured with surgery. Still, a small number of Leydig cell tumors do spread to other parts of the body. These tend to have a poor outlook because they usually don’t respond well to chemo or radiation therapy.
Sertoli cell tumors
These tumors start in normal Sertoli cells, which support and nourish the sperm-making germ cells. Like the Leydig cell tumors, these tumors are usually benign. But if they spread, they usually don’t respond well to chemo or radiation therapy.
Dr. Hamer’s Explanation for Testicular Cancer
Dr. Hamer’s Explanation of Testicular Cancer
The description of Dr. Hamer’s explanation for testicular cancer and case studies is taken from Dr. Hamer’s Scientific Chart (, Helmut Pilhar’s seminar on testicular cancer, and Dr. Caroline Markolin’s website
In Germanic Healing Knowledge, nature’s biological programs work in two phases. This is Dr. Hamer’s second biological law, ‘The Law of Two Phases.’ All diseases, or ‘biological programs’ as Dr. Hamer called them, go through these two phases. The first phase is the ‘conflict active’ phase. The second phase, post resolving the conflict, is called the ‘healing or repair’ phase.
In Teratoma cancer, tissue is added during the first, conflict-active phase, and removed during the second, healing and repair phase. For Seminoma cancer, it is the reverse. Tissue is removed during conflict activity, and replenished during the healing or repair phase.
Determining whether a person is left or right brain-wired is critically important when diagnosing the conflict that triggered the problem to start in relation to Seminoma Leydig cell cancer. If you are right-handed, or right-brain-wired, if your left testicle is affected by this type of cancer, the problem is triggered by a loss conflict of losing, or having a fear of losing, a mother or child. The right testicle is affected by a loss conflict with everybody else. If you are left brain-wired, it is the reverse.
With Teratoma testicular cancer, rules of laterality do not apply. This part of the organ is managed by the oldest part of the brain that is not affected by laterality.
Just because you write with your right-hand does not always mean you are right brain-wired. My wife writes with her right hand but is left brain-wired. Some religious groups believe that left-handed people are evil. They force young left-handed children to write with their right hand. They are known to follow practices like tying children’s left hand behind their backs to force them to write with their right hand.
Determining which way your brain is wired is a critical step to ensuring you are looking for the conflict in the correct relationship that caused the problem to start. And finding the initial conflict that triggered the conflict is the key to solving the problem.
There are a number of tests you can use to determine your brain-wiring and true laterality.
The clap test
Try clapping your hands. Your dominant hand is normally on top. If you are right-handed, your right hand will be on top and your left hand below. If you are left-handed, it is the reverse. If you clap like patty cake with both hands parallel in front of you, try the next test.
The nail file test
Try filing your fingernails. You will typically use your dominant hand to file your nails. If you are right-handed, whilst filing the nails in your right hand, you will hold the file in your left hand but the movement to file the nails will come from your right hand. It is the reverse for people who are left brain-wired.
Carry a baby test
Try carrying a baby, or a doll to simulate a baby. If you are right-handed, you will rest the baby’s head on your left shoulder and support the baby’s weight with your dominant right arm under the baby’s bottom. If you are left-handed, it is the reverse.
The swirl of the crown of your hair test
If you check the crown of your hair at the top of your head, it will have a swirl. The swirl can go clockwise or anti-clockwise. If the swirl is clockwise, it means you are right brain-wired. If it is anti-clockwise, it means you are left brain-wired.
This test is much easier to do with people who have short hair as it is easier to see the swirl in the crown. If you have long hair, wait until your hair is wet after you have washed it, and then open up the hair and check the crown for the swirl.
*Teratoma testicular cancer is relatively rare. This is triggered by a severe or profound loss conflict. Luckily, very few of us have ever experienced this type of loss. Dr. Hamer experienced this when his son Dirk died in his arms. This is the only case study of this type of cancer that I am personally aware of.
Seminoma Leydig
*A right-handed man had testicular cancer on his right testicle. In a counseling session, the man said he had not lost anybody in his life or lost an animal. After further discussion, he recalled that he had ‘a fear’ of losing his wife a year prior when she had an epileptic fit.
After one year, she had not experienced any more fits, and once he understood the conflict that caused cancer, the testicle began to heal and a cyst grew on his right testicle. This cyst produces testosterone and makes a man more fertile, muscular, and masculine. The man reported that after the cyst had developed, he had become stronger and more muscular.
*A right-handed 25-year-old man brought his brain CT scan to Dr. Hamer. When Dr. Hamer reviewed the brain CT, he reported to the man that he had an active loss conflict running on his right testicle. Dr. Hamer advised the man that when he resolved the loss conflict, he would develop a testicular cyst. The man reported to Dr. Hamer that his girlfriend had recently abandoned him.
Three months later, the man returned to Dr. Hamer. His girlfriend had come back to him and he had developed the testicular cyst as Dr. Hamer had advised. The man was convinced of Dr. Hamer’s assessment of his situation from the brain CT scan.
*A 27-year-old right-handed man attended a seminar being hosted by Dr. Hamer’s designated successor, Helmut Pilhar. The week before the seminar, he had his left testicle removed after experiencing excruciating pain in his testicle.
For a right-handed man, a problem in the left testicle means he had a conflict with either his mother or child. Helmut Pilhar discussed the case with him but he said he had not lost either his mother, a child, or an animal.
After a more detailed discussion, the man explained that this is his second marriage. His first marriage failed due to his infidelity. He has a child with his second wife. Helmut asked him if there had been any infidelity issues in his second marriage and he confessed that there had been. His second wife had threatened to leave and take his child away from him. It was the fear of losing the child that triggered the testicular cancer program to start. When he reconciled with his second wife and promised to be faithful in the relationship, his wife returned home, and the testicle started to heal. This is when he experienced excruciating pain. He was then diagnosed with testicular cancer and his testicle was removed.
*A 13-year-old right-handed boy went on a summer camp and was caught playing doctor. This incident was reported to the whole school. The boy cried out for his mother. He said it was by far the worst thing that had happened in his life. His mother had to drive several hundred kilometers to pick up the child. He suffered from a double-sized left testicle because his mother was not there to help him through this very difficult time. After six weeks, the testicle healed and the boy grew a full beard.
*A 65-year-old right-handed man had a 17-year-old blind tomcat. One morning he came downstairs and the front door was open and the blind cat was nowhere to be found. He said he could not think clearly because of the sense of loss. He rode his bicycle around the neighborhood but could not find the cat. He handed out pictures of the cat. A local postman found the cat and returned it to the man.
The man was conflict active for three hours with high intensity. By evening, his left testicle was double its size. The man put a cushion between his legs and went to sleep with the thought that by the next day, the problem will be solved. He woke up the next morning and the swelling had gone down and his testicle returned to its original size.
*A GHK seminar participant reported that his left testicle was the size of a cherry, and had been that way since he was 13 years old. He believed that it was caused by the death of an uncle. This was not possible as it was his mother/child testicle.
After thinking for a day, he returned and reported that when he was 12 years old, his younger brother was born and his mother nearly died in childbirth. He overheard his grandmother say to his father that if her daughter died, it was his fault. Hearing this discussion triggered testicular cancer to start because he ‘feared’ his mother would die and it remained an unresolved conflict.
*A 35-year-old man came to Dr. Hamer due to infertility. He had experienced a double loss conflict and had active loss conflicts in both testicles. As a child, his mother used to regularly suffer from epileptic fits. The child feared that his mother would die which affected his left testicle.
As a young boy, his beloved grandfather died. At the age of 20, his brother died and the man cried continuously for an hour.
Dr. Hamer discovered that the first time we experience a conflict, the biological program (or disease) is not triggered. It creates the ‘wiring’ for the biological program. The biological program gets triggered with the second conflict. The loss of his brother was his second loss conflict on his partner side and is what triggered the cancer program in the right partner testicle.
*A 35-year-old right-handed man came to Dr. Hamer, again for infertility. At the age of 5, his parents went on vacation and dropped him at his grandmother’s. The young boy freaked out when he was left with his grandmother and cried until they returned. He suffered a double loss conflict for both his mother and father. At 35, due to his very low testosterone levels, the man is infertile, produces very little sperm, has long hair, and wears very feminine clothes.
Conflict (The cause of the problem)
This type of testicular cancer is triggered by a severe or profound loss conflict for a loved one. This has to be the profound loss of a human or animal. It cannot be triggered by losing your prized watch or crashing your new car. This cancer is only triggered by actually experiencing a ‘profound’ loss.
Seminoma Leydig
This type of cancer is triggered by either experiencing a loss of a loved one, human or animal, or the ‘fear’ of losing a loved one.
Conflict Activity (When the problem starts)
In both testicular Teratoma and Seminoma cancer, the biological program (or disease) is triggered in the very instant of experiencing the profound loss for the Teratoma, or the loss, or ‘fear’ of loss in Seminoma cancer. In a split second, the shock affects the psyche, brain, and organ like an electric shock. Dr. Hamer named this unexpected biological conflict shock in memory of his son Dirk. In Germanic Healing Knowledge, the unexpected conflict shock is called Dirk Hamer Syndrome, or DHS.
There are three criteria for this conflict shock to trigger a ‘cancer’ program. The shock has to be unexpected, highly acute, and isolative. This puts you in a high state of stress and you think about the problem continuously until you resolve the conflict. Your extremities, hands, and feet, will become cold due to reduced blood circulation.
In Teratoma cancer, the tumor starts growing as soon as you experience severe or profound loss. In Seminoma cancer, there is no pain when you experience the conflict shock and the reduction in the size of the testicle is slow over time. You sometimes feel a slight pulling in the scrotum. It can also go completely unnoticed. I was not aware of the problem for 20 years. This causes a reduction in a man’s testosterone and sperm production and can lead to infertility.
Biological Purpose or Meaning
One of Dr. Hamer’s many extraordinary medical discoveries was that all biological changes that happen in the human body have a biological purpose or meaning. Evolution has developed human biology to maximize our chances of survival. An increase or decrease in an organ system’s capacity can help us in times of trouble to survive difficult challenges in life.
With testicular cancer, the biological purpose or meaning is to increase a man’s capacity to produce testosterone and sperm to make him more fertile and help him replace the child or partner that he has lost.
In testicular Teratoma, the biological purpose or meaning lies in the first phase, the conflict-active phase.
In testicular Seminoma, the biological purpose or meaning is at the end of the second phase, what Dr. Hamer called the healing or repair phase.
Conflict Resolution or Repair Phase (After the problem has been resolved)
In Teratoma cancer, tissue is added in the first conflict-active phase and removed in the repair or healing phase. This added tissue (or tumor) is removed with fungi and tuberculosis mycobacteria. A swelling filled with pus creates what would be diagnosed as a testicular abscess. Whenever a healing program involving tuberculosis mycobacteria is running, you will experience night sweats. When you wake up in the morning, your bed sheets will be soaking wet.
If you have had heavy doses of antibiotics that have killed your natural tuberculosis mycobacteria, the tumor cannot be removed. It will develop into an indurated cyst and be diagnosed as a dermoid cyst. If you are ok with having different size testicles, it is worth keeping this cyst as it will increase your testosterone levels and make you more fertile and masculine!
When a healing process involves tuberculosis mycobacteria, you will have zero energy. Your normal daytime energy is stolen and apportioned to the healing process. If you try and fight this process, you will lose. You cannot fight nature’s design. You would be better placed respecting nature’s design and when your body demands that you rest, you should rest. If you do not rest, it will just elongate and extend the time it takes your body to heal and regain your normal energy levels.
In Seminoma cancer, the tissue is removed from the testicle in the conflict-active phase. In the healing or repair phase, the testicle is regenerated and made larger than before. This will happen with excruciating testicular pain.
A fluid-filled cyst will develop. Provided there are no conflict relapses that interrupt the healing process, the cyst will take exactly nine months to run its development course. The purpose of this cyst is to restore the cells lost during the conflict, plus some interest.
Healing Crisis (Nature’s way of removing inflammation from the brain and organ after healing is completed)
Healing can only happen in a fluid environment. When you cut your finger, it swells up. After it has completed healing, the fluid causing the swelling goes down. All tissues in the body can only heal in a fluid environment.
Pain and inflammation are nearly always a sign of healing.
Once the healing process is complete, the body needs to remove the healing fluid from both the organ and the brain relay that manages this organ. This Dr. Hamer named the healing crisis. The inflammation is squeezed out of the organ and the brain. The body achieves this by temporarily putting you back into conflict activity. You will re-experience the loss emotions that triggered the conflict and the biological program to start. This can last from seconds to weeks, depending on how much fluid has built up in the brain and organ.
Once the fluid has been removed from the testicular cyst, it becomes hard and is integrated as a part of the hormone-producing function of the testicle. You are now blessed with higher levels of testosterone and you can now thank nature’s extraordinary design!
Cancer of the Scrotum
For the sake of completeness, I will briefly cover the cancer of the scrotum. In Conventional Medicine, this is diagnosed as a testicular Mesothelioma.
This type of cancer of the scrotum is caused by a physical or verbal attack on the testicles. This can happen whilst playing sports, or getting into a physical or verbal disagreement. A testicular cancer diagnosis, or surgery on the testicles, can also trigger this cancer to start.
Tissue is added during the first phase, the conflict-active phase, and removed during the second, healing or repair phase.
The biological purpose of tissue being added during the conflict-active phase is to thicken the scrotum to make it stronger to protect the testicles from a future attack.
Once the attack conflict has been resolved, the extra tissue (Mesothelioma tumor) is removed by the body’s natural fungi and tuberculosis mycobacteria. The healing process involves pain, inflammation, and night sweats. If you have destroyed the body’s natural bacteria with heavy doses of antibiotics, the extra tissue will remain in place.
Danny’s Comments and Observations
Danny’s Comments and Observations
The most obvious difference between Conventional Medicine (CM) and Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK) lies in the understanding of the cause of testicular cancer.
In CM, according to the Conventional Medicine website “It’s not clear what causes testicular cancer in most cases.
Doctors know that testicular cancer occurs when healthy cells in a testicle become altered. Healthy cells grow and divide in an orderly way to keep your body functioning normally. But sometimes some cells develop abnormalities, causing this growth to get out of control — these cancer cells continue dividing even when new cells aren’t needed. The accumulating cells form a mass in the testicle.
Nearly all testicular cancers begin in the germ cells — the cells in the testicles that produce immature sperm. What causes germ cells to become abnormal and develop into cancer isn’t known.”
In GHK, testicular cancer is caused by experiencing a severe or profound loss in the case of Teratoma cancer. Seminoma cancer, it is caused either by the fear of the loss of a loved one or by experiencing a loss.
Biological Purpose
According to Dr. Hamer, cancer is not a disease. It is a biological program that has a biological purpose or meaning. For testicular cancer, the biological purpose is to make a man more fertile to help him replace the loss he has just experienced, or fears experiencing, in the case of Seminoma Leydig cancer.
CM acknowledges that the cancer cells in the testicle are functional tissue.
“Teratoma: Teratomas are germ cell tumors with areas that, under a microscope, look like each of the 3 layers of a developing embryo: the endoderm (innermost layer), mesoderm (middle layer), and ectoderm (outer layer).
Leydig cell tumors: These tumors start in the Leydig cells in the testicle that normally make male sex hormones (androgens like testosterone). Leydig cell tumors can develop in both adults and children. These tumors often make androgens (male hormones), but sometimes they make estrogens (female sex hormones).”
Given that CM acknowledges that cancer cells are functional tissue, is it beyond their comprehension to understand that the extra tissue (or tumor) could have some biological purpose or function?
This is a quote from Conventional Medicine above. “But sometimes some cells develop abnormalities, causing this growth to get out of control — these cancer cells continue dividing even when new cells aren’t needed.”
Something for you to ponder. If medical doctors do not understand the cause, or the biological purpose of cancer, on what basis do they make a judgment that the growth cells in your testicle have got ‘out of control’ and ‘cells are dividing even when new cells are not needed?’
If I went to a medical doctor when I experienced excruciating testicular pain and my left testicle was half the size of my right testicle, would doctors decide the cell growth is ‘out of control’ and ‘cells are dividing even when not needed?’
If my left testicle is now half its original size, would it be a correct conclusion to draw that extra cells are ‘not needed’ to return the testicle to its original size? All Seminoma Leydig cancers are a replenishment process, and according to Dr. Hamer, should never have been categorized as cancer. But they have.
According to modern medicine, cancer cells break off tumors and swim through your bloodstream or lymphatic system and attack other organs. What we are not told is, that this is just a hypothesis. A cancer cell, malignant or benign, has never been found in either the bloodstream or lymphatic systems.
If there were really cancer cells swimming around your bloodstream, would your blood not have to be screened for cancer cells when you donate it?
The most common secondary or metastatic cancers are of the lung, liver and lymph glands. Isn’t it strange that testicular cancer only generally affects one testicle and cancer does not metastasize to the second testicle when it is made from the same tissue and lives right next door?
In testicular cancer, in a cancer research study published by NIH in 2017 titled “Synchronous bilateral testis cancer: Clinical and oncological management.”1 ”Synchronous Bilateral Testis Cancer (cancer in both testicles) is a rare event. It represents only 0-5-1% of all new cases of testicular cancer.” In 99% of testicular cancer cases, the cancer does not metastasize to the second testicle.
The main tissue in the lung is called the alveoli. According to Dr. Hamer, it is affected by a fear of death or existence conflict for self or a loved one.
Is it possible that when a medical doctor says to you, ‘you have testicular cancer. If you do not have surgery and start chemotherapy immediately, you will be dead in a year,’ is there any possibility that this could cause you to fear dying and trigger cancer in your lungs? And then you are diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. Could this, therefore, be caused by the doctor’s prognosis (outlook)?
Dr. Hamer believes that liver cancer is caused by what he called a ‘starvation conflict’. One of the key functions of the liver is to develop digestive enzymes to digest food.
Is it possible that when you start taking chemotherapy and you vomit up everything you attempt to eat, your psyche concludes you are starving to death and increases the capacity of your liver to produce more digestive enzymes to try and stop you from starving to death? And then you are diagnosed with metastatic liver cancer. Could this be caused by the highly toxic chemotherapy making you vomit?
In the Germanic Healing Knowledge system, the lymphatic system is affected by a self-esteem conflict that results in the inability to clean or remove an internal burden. Is it possible that when you have a painful swelling on your testicle that are suffering from a self-esteem conflict of being unable to rid yourself of something unpleasant?
The lymphatic system closest to that organ is affected. Most commonly, it is the lymph nodes in the groin for testicular cancer.
The lymph nodes reduce in size during the conflict, swell up, become painful, and are replenished during the second healing or repair phase. You only become aware of the problem in the lymph glands once you have resolved the self-esteem conflict of having a painful swelling on your testicle. This is typically either after the organ has healed or been removed via surgery.
It is at this point that medical doctors tell you the cancer has spread to your lymph nodes, a terrifying prognosis for any patient. Thrown into a panic that action must be taken immediately, rash medical decisions are too often made without question.
The swelling of the lymph gland next to the affected organ is merely a part of the healing process of the lymph gland. The lymph gland experiences ulceration, or tissue minus during the conflict of having a painful swelling on the organ. Once the conflict has been resolved i.e. the pain in the organ has gone, the lymph glands start to heal. This involves pain and inflammation the same way the body heals when you cut your finger.
According to Dr. Hamer, it is biologically impossible for a testicular cell that has a biological program to create additional testosterone and sperm to swim through the bloodstream or lymphatic system and morph into a liver, lung, or lymphatic cell at the end of its swim.
If you put an apple seed in a pipe filled with human blood, what are the chances it will come out of the end of the pipe as an orange seed? Absurd, right? That is fundamentally what we are expected to believe with the metastasis hypothesis.
Conventional Medicine
In CM, the treatment and solution is always a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The surgery will remove one testicle. The chemotherapy will destroy the other testicle and make you infertile and has a high probability of killing you.
According to a clinical oncology study carried out by oncologists in Australia in 2004, the five-year survival rate of patients who take chemotherapy for testicular cancer has 38-42% chance of surviving five years. That is not great odds. But is considerably higher than for most cancers. The oncologists concluded that the average five-year survival rate for people taking chemotherapy for all forms of cancer ranges between 2.1-2.3%. Let that sink in.
The oncologists carrying out the study concluded:
“In an environment of scarce resources and cost-containment, there is a need for evidence-based assessment before any new or previously accepted treatment is accepted as standard practice. To justify the continued funding and availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life is urgently required.”
This clinical oncology study was subsequently buried.
Germanic Healing Knowledge
According to Dr. Hamer, the best way to solve a problem is a practical real-life resolution of the problem. With a testicular Teratoma, this would mean getting your partner pregnant to replace the child you have just lost. Once the biological program has achieved its biological purpose, it switches off naturally, it has achieved its biological purpose.
The extra tissue or capacity is removed via natural fungi and tuberculosis bacteria in the body. If you have killed off your body’s natural bacteria with heavy doses of antibiotics, the extra tissue can no longer be removed and will become encapsulated and remain.
With Seminoma cancer, the most important first step is to identify the loss, or fear of loss, that triggered the program that reduces the size of your testicle. Until you correctly identify the conflict that caused the problem to start, you cannot work out how to solve it.
It is often very difficult to identify the cause of your problem on your own and you may want to consult a GHK consultant to help you with this process. If you go to you will find references for GHK consultants to reach out to.
It is critical to understand the exact cause of the problem, the moment in time when you experienced the loss. Working out your correct laterality, which way your brain is wired, is essential to make sure you have identified correctly whether it is your mother/child, or partner testicle, that has been affected.
Then you have to recall what was going on in your life when the problem started. The further back in time this happened, the more difficult it is to identify. Once you work out what caused a problem to start, which is often the most difficult challenge, you can work out how to solve it. Solving the problem could come through a real-life resolution, or by changing the way you now view the problem.
Real-life resolutions are not always possible. For Dr. Hamer, it would have meant getting his wife pregnant. He suffered a testicular Teratoma when he was in his late 40s and had teenage children. His wife had passed her childbearing years. So a real-life practical resolution would have been very difficult for him, even if he had the knowledge at the time, which he didn’t.
If my child died, I could get my partner pregnant and have another child. If I suffered the loss of a family pet, I could get a new pet. If I suffered a loss because my partner left me, I could find a new partner. However, if I suffered a loss because my mum nearly died when I was ten years old, if I am now in my 20s and my mum is still alive, I can comfortably say to myself, I suffered a loss because I thought mum was going to die 10 years ago. She has not died so I can resolve that conflict just by changing my view and understanding of the problem.
A general life tip. The amount of inflammation, pain and time any problem takes to heal is a multiplication of two factors. The length of time a conflict runs multiplied by how important the problem is to you determines what Dr. Hamer described as the conflict mass. The longer a problem runs, and the more important it is to you will determine how much fluid there is on the brain and organ, and the amount of time and pain you will have to go through for it to fully heal.
So two practical things you can do in life to make sure you never get seriously sick is whenever you have a problem. Firstly, solve it as quickly as you can. Don’t let problems drag on. And secondly, don’t take life too seriously. The more important a problem is to you, the more intensely you experience the conflict, the greater the healing pain you will experience when you resolve the conflict, and the longer it will take to heal.
How do I solve my problem?
How do I solve my problem?
With the newly found knowledge you have acquired reading this digest, you now have a number of options of which path you want to follow to resolve this issue.
From my experience, the most difficult challenge you currently face after reading this digest is getting your head around the idea that cancer is an integral part of nature’s design and has a biological purpose or meaning.
We have been brainwashed all our lives to believe that cancer is a disease that spreads around your body and kills you from within. According to Dr. Hamer, that is utter rubbish.
Is there any possibility that our current medical system is a for-profit business that has weaponized nature by saying it is going wrong and you need to pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix it, otherwise you will die, when nature is actually going right? Surely that cannot be the case. We all have to use our critical thinking skills and draw our own conclusions on this issue.
In the last report I read, the average cancer patient in the US is worth $1.5 million to the medical system. Money corrupts. And with that type of money to be made, it is a strong incentive to diagnose as many people as possible with cancer. If you do a quick search online, you will find doctors who have been jailed for deliberately misdiagnosing patients with Cancer.
The next challenge is to identify the loss conflict that caused testicular cancer to start. In Teratoma, this is relatively easy. The extra tissue (or tumor) will start growing as soon as you experience the profound loss. In a short time after, you will be aware of it. In the Seminoma, it can be more challenging as the loss conflict could have happened years, or even decades before you become aware of it.
To make the challenge even more difficult, when we experience a traumatic event, our subconscious mind buries it. If we had every traumatic event we experienced in life in front of our conscious minds, we would be miserable.
If you are experiencing testicular pain already, it means you have resolved the loss conflict. In this case, you have two choices. Either manage the pain with painkillers or get your testicle surgically removed. We face a similar choice with a toothache.
If you have one testicle smaller than the other without pain, to solve Seminoma cancer, you have to find the loss conflict that started it. This often takes a lot of digging around, talking to family members, etc, to get the memory to surface. This is the real work in Germanic Healing Knowledge.
Often, just the process of letting the memory surface and consciously connecting it to the original loss trauma, and the Seminoma cancer symptoms, will trigger a cathartic healing process. This is almost impossible to both explain and understand until you have experienced it. Just be prepared for the pain to start when you identify or resolve the conflict. When you expect something to happen, it makes it much easier to manage.
So how did I fix my testicular issue? The answer is primarily with knowledge.
My loss conflict for an aborted child went into a natural resolution when I got a vasectomy. Because I had knowledge of it before it happened and was expecting it could go into a natural resolution with the vasectomy, there was no element of either surprise or fear in me.
When you learn that testicular cancer is not a disease, and cancer does not spread around your body like some foreign invading army, it changes your outlook on the problem.
The understanding that testicular cancer is a part of nature’s design to help you replenish the lost capacity of your testicle, and at the end of the process, you know that you will have a higher libido and become more masculine, it changes your outlook of the problem and how you approach solving it.
Given the alternative is going to a medical doctor, having one testicle removed by surgery and the other testicle destroyed with chemotherapy, and potentially dying in the process, it wasn’t a particularly difficult decision for me.
We are all responsible for our health, or lack thereof. I take decisions on the path I think is best to fully recover my health when I face health challenges. And I do quite often. There is not one path to follow, everybody’s paths are different. You have to take decisions based on what you think is best for you.
I have personal experience in resolving this conflict, so I have conviction in Dr. Hamer’s assessment of the cause of this problem, and how to resolve it.
Best of luck on your journey of solving the problem causing yours.
Hi Danny,
It was a feast of knowledge, made more tasty with your personal experiences and palatable with your GNM/ GHK explanations in your simple but fluent English language. It will definitely give any average reader great impressions of Dr Hamer’s Science .
My sincere and hearty congratulations !
Expecting many more products from your pen.
Dr C J Varghese
I am humbled by your feedback doctor. God bless you for all that you do. Keep up the great work. I love your daily GNM daily health tips. Don’t stop!
This article is a good beginning for those who haven’t started the ABC s of GNM too!! Danny sir has started the article with the story of Dr. Hamer & beautifully taken it to the basic five biological laws & relating them to his personal journey & add lots of cases & finally touched the conventional medicine understanding too.
This one article is enough to understand lots of basic things in GNM. He didn’t miss even a single point from the basic laws of GNM.. The beauty is that he has written like a story with understandable examples making the untold new paradigm concepts so simple that even a kid can understand it. Expecting more such articles from you Danny Sir. Keep writing.
Thank you for your encouraging feedback doctor, I really appreciate it.