The Bioswitch - Switch Off Chronic Illness
1. 13 hours of recorded on-demand training.
2. 12 months of monthly one hour live case study training.
3. A Bioswitch Community Group to support you in case you get stuck.
Bioswitch Inaugural Live Q&A
Switching Off Hip Pain
Many people have requested if they can watch the Bioswitch inaugural live Q&A on hip pain so they can get a sample of the experience inside the training. Your wish is my command.
You can access the full training at the short url
Switch Off Pain Before It Starts - Jaw Surgery No.2
In 2019, I had cancer in my jaw and all of my teeth fell out in my left upper jaw, and my jaw was destroyed. I had a five hour reconstruction surgery with a bone graft and implants to rebuild my jaw and replace my teeth.
The bridge from the first surgery recently fell out. I had to have a second bone graft, this time in my sinuses, and industrial-sized implants put in my jaw.
After the second surgery, I managed to switch off both the pain and chronic fatigue biological programs before they started.
You can learn to do this yourself in the Bioswitch training at
Watch this video to also learn about the two symptoms that are critical to the healing process you SHOULD NOT SUPPRESS. Medical doctors prescribe drugs to suppress these symptoms that unnecessarily extend the length of the healing process.
Switch Off 19 YEARS of Bronchitis
Learn To Switch Off Chronic Illness Like a Light Switch
With Andi Locke Mears
GHk teacher and coach Andi Locke Mears interviewed Danny on the Bioswitch training.
Andi and Danny had a great discussion on how to use the subconscious mind to resolve previously unsolvable health problems including reducing healing phases, ending chronic symptoms, switching off pain, finishing conflict active phases sooner, and much more.
You can access the full Bioswitch training at the short url:
My Future Business Show - Rick Nuske Discussion on triggering cathartic healing
I had a really fun discussion with Rick Nuske, host of My Future Business Show in Australia talking about Dr. Hamer’s medical discoveries, and how I have built on them using the subconscious mind to trigger cathartic healing and switch off disease.
Project GHk to 8 Billion People
The Global GHk Foundation interviewed Danny Carroll about his plan to disseminate Germanic Healing Knowledge to 8 billion people. Danny has envisioned a Collaborative Community Author platform where we build a community to write disease based books in lay language so anyone can learn the ‘life cause’ of their health challenge, and how to solve the problem. Every contributor will get the opportunity to become a Published Community Author at a small fraction of commercial cost.
Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis with Tressy Trek
Natural healer Tressy Trek interviewed me on her Rumble channel, ‘SomeOne Believes in You’. We had a great discussion that was followed by a lively Q&A with Tressy’s supporters.
Dr. David Lemmon - The Natural Cancer Support Channel
Dr. Lemmon interviewed Danny Carroll about his cancer journey. He described the interview as ‘jaw-dropping’. You can watch it and decide for yourself.
Uncensored with Mike Vara

Danny Carroll was interviewed on the show Uncensored with Mike Vara. The interview starts at 24 minute marker. You can watch it here:
The Donna Seebo TV Show - Alternative Health Therapies
US based radio and TV show host Donna Seebo hosted a special edition of her show to discuss Alternative Healing Therapies with rock star Chiropractor Dr. Stetan Medsker and Danny Carroll.
Trauma Therapist ELi Abela - Biohacking and Beyond

Listen to the episode of Biohacking and Beyond with ELi Abela about the bestselling and award winning book Terminal Cancer Is a MIsdiagnosis.
You can listen to it here:
Radically Genuine with Dr. Roger McFillin
You can listen to the full interview with clinical psychologist Dr. Roger McFillin here
If you want to learn the "CAUSE" of Cancer, and how to "SWITCH OFF PAIN" listen to this interview.
"This is the most powerful interview I've ever done"
- Marianne Pestana

#MomentsWithMarianne with host Marianne Pestana airs every Friday at 10AM PST/ 1PM EST in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM, an ABC Talk News Radio Affiliate! Not the area? Click here to listen LIVE:
Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Corine LaFont
To honour breast cancer awareness month, Corine LaFont from the Show Between The Lines in the beautiful Trinidad and Tobago interviewed me to discuss an alternative approach to understanding and resolving breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Stacey Chillemi
As a part of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Podcaster Stacey Chillemi interviewed Danny Carroll to understand the cause and solution to breast cancer according to Germanic Healing Knowledge
Transform Your Life Radio and Podcast With Myrna Young
Myrna Young explores the process of switching off cancer, and switching off pain from cancer like a light switch with guest Danny Carroll
From Terminal Cancer Misdiagnosis to Miraculous Healing: Unveiling the Revolutionary New Medicine

Nathan Crane Explores Germanic Healing Knowledge

A WomanWise Radio Program with Dr. Sherrill

Elevating Your Life with Paula Vail

It was an absolute pleasure spending time with Paula Vail from KMET Radio 1490 AM talking about my book Terminal Cancer Is a Misdiagnosis. You can watch the interview on YouTube here:
Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show Special Host Christine Campbell Rapin with Guest Danny Carroll

Danny Carroll has spent the last decade working in Venture Capital and researching cancer as a side hobby. Despite not being a doctor, he has helped terminally and chronically ill cancer patients recover their health. His teacher, a medical doctor, discovered a connection between emotional trauma and cancer after experiencing a personal tragedy. Danny has written a book titled ‘Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis’ to share his research findings with a wider audience. He aims to challenge the existing medical paradigm and make natural healing accessible by writing books on various diseases.
Douglas Coleman Show featuring Danny Carroll

It was great to get an opportunity to appear on the Douglas Coleman Show. You can watch it on Youtube here:
Moments With Marianne
Marianne Pestana from the Radio Show, Moments With Marianne on KMET 98.1FM & 1490AM, interviewed me to discuss my now International Bestselling book, Terminal Cancer Is a Misdiagnosis. This is a must listen to interview.
UK Health Radio Integrative
Oncology Show

Thanks to Robin Daly from Yes To Life and UK Health Radio for hosting a great interview of my experiences on the relationship between trauma and cancer.
Pixelated Perspectives with Tanya Verquin
Many thanks to GNM/GHk practitioner Tanya Verquin from the podcast Pixelated Perspectives for hosting a fabulous interview on my book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis. You can watch it on the video below, or listen to the interview at the short URL

The Holistic Monitor with Nic Scogna

A great interview with Nic Scogna from the podcast The Holistic Monitor discussing my book “Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis.”
This is the link for the interview:
Bootleggers Radio with Paul Jones
Listen to my interview with Paul Jones from Bootleggers Radio in the US discussing my book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis.

The interview was in two parts.
This is the url for part 1 of the interview:
This is the link for part 2 of the interview:
CEO of Cancer.University – Andrea Wilson Woods – Interviewing Danny Carroll on his personal experiences with Cancer.
The book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis has been reviewed here:
Chris Lewis is a cancer survivor and is an advocate in the cancer community in the UK. Chris’s blog ‘Chris’s Cancer Community’ is one of the top ten most read cancer blogs in the UK. You can read his article. ‘Cancer, The Alternative Views’ he wrote after reviewing the pre-published version of my book.
Chris Joseph is a cancer survivor, author, and podcast host in the US. Chris is the author of a book titled ‘Life is a ride’ that tells the story of his journey and survival of stage 3 pancreatic cancer.
Chris and I had an engaging discussion about my cancer journey.
Life is a ride - Chris Joseph
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