Welcome to the third edition of the Weekly Digest, ‘The Healing Tribune.’
Today I will discuss atopic dermatitis. I have selected this for my third Weekly Digest as it was the first request I received from one of my Advanced Book Reviewers to cover.
In this digest, under the umbrella subject of atopic dermatitis, I will cover eczema, psoriasis, hives or urticaria, cold sores, herpes, rosacea and lupus erythematosus, chickenpox, measles, rubella, vitiligo, and warts. What you will learn is that all these conditions are essentially the same, with minor differences in the cause, but with many descriptors.
There are very few people walking on this planet who have not suffered from some atopic dermatitis skin irritation or one of the many other descriptions of skin inflammation. It is a chronic problem that many struggle to solve. It is not until we understand the ‘cause’ of a problem that we have a chance to solve it. I will provide you with the information you need in this digest to solve the problem.
I will examine the Conventional Medicine (CM) explanations for atopic dermatitis. The details can be taken from any mainstream website. They are all very similar with minor differences in details. I will then contrast it with the explanation given in the new medical science, Germanic New Medicine (GNM) or Germanische Heilkunde. This is loosely translated into Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK) in English. This medical science was the discovery of a genius German medical doctor named Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. I will share my personal experience of atopic dermatitis, and how I solved it. I will also make my own comments and observations on the different schools of thought.
I will assume that you have not heard of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. It is a safe assumption, as most have not.
Brief Introduction to GHk
Brief Introduction to Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK)
GHK or GNM is a form of mind-body medicine. Its founder, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, was a traditionally-trained medical doctor from Germany. He specialized in internal medicine and medical research.
In 1978, two months after his 19-year-old son was shot and murdered, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular and stomach cancer. He was given a 1% chance of surviving. He had surgery but refused chemotherapy and radiation, as I understand, most medical doctors do.
After his son’s untimely death and his near-miraculous recovery from cancer, Dr. Hamer dedicated the rest of his life to unravelling the biological code. He concluded that what we call a disease today, are in fact biological programs that have a biological purpose. Nature has designed human biology to maximize its chances of survival.
Dr. Hamer discovered that the testicular cancer he experienced after his son was murdered was not random and had a biological purpose. Increasing the functional tissue in the testicle increases testosterone and sperm production. This makes a man more fertile so he is better able to get a woman pregnant and replace the child he just lost.
Every time we are faced with a challenge in life, our subconscious mind (or psyche as termed by Dr. Hamer), responds by increasing or decreasing our organs’ capacity to help us solve that life challenge. This would be analogous to putting your foot on the accelerator or brake of your vehicle to avoid a road accident.
To increase our capacity, some parts of our body will add tissue when we face the problem, and remove tissue after we have solved it. In other parts of the body, it is the reverse. This is generally what medical doctors call disease.
The easiest way to understand the process of tissue being added and removed is to look at a woman’s menstrual cycle. In the first half of a woman’s cycle, tissue is added to the walls of the uterus. If she does not get pregnant, the extra tissue is removed via bleeding, often accompanied by cramps and pain.
According to Germanic Healing Knowledge, atopic dermatitis is caused by a ‘separation conflict’. This is both wanting to be with someone whom you cannot be with, and wanting to be separated from someone whom you do not want to be with. Tissue is removed via ulceration in the first, conflict-active phase of the separation conflict, and replenished with inflammation, pain and itching during the second, healing or repair phase, once the separation conflict has been resolved.
If you want to test this medical science for yourself, think about something you really dislike, something in your life that really ‘stinks’ or ‘sucks.’ Think about it intensely. A little while after you start thinking about it, your nose will start running. A runny nose is caused by a ‘stinking conflict.’
Now follow this exercise. Speak to your subconscious mind and say to it, “I know my nose is running because I was just thinking intensely about something I hate (fill in the blanks what you were just thinking about), please switch off my runny nose.” What happened to your runny nose?
If there is a problem in your life that you have been ‘biting your tongue’ and not speaking about, gather the courage to talk about it. Soon after, your tongue will become hyper-sensitive, and you will get painful ulcers on the tongue!
Follow the same exercise with your tongue. Say to yourself, “I know my tongue is sore because I was biting my tongue about (fill in the blanks) and I gained the courage to speak about it.”
Depending on how long you were biting your tongue on the issue, and how important the issue was to you, it will determine whether you either downgrade the pain on the tongue or switch it off completely. The longer you have bitten your tongue for, and the more important it was to you, the less the pain from the ulcers will reduce, and the longer they will take to heal.
Congratulations, you have just learned to switch biological programs (disease) on and off.
Once you have personal experience of how this medical science works, even deliberately making your nose run or tongue sore, it significantly increases your ability to believe that this medical science is the real deal. Every subsequent healing experience increases your conviction.
In my experience, it is the Holy Grail of health and wellness.
You can read a much more detailed explanation about Dr. Hamer and his medical discoveries in my book, ‘Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis.’
Danny’s Experience
Danny’s Experience
I have suffered from atopic dermatitis symptoms on a number of occasions in my life. I will share two experiences.
In 2012, my then girlfriend, now wife, was leaving my home town. We had been dating for two years. Her next job was 10,000 miles or a 40-hour journey from where I lived. We had originally planned to end our relationship when she left. However, when it came time for her to leave, we could not end the relationship as we had become soul mates. We waited for a few months before we saw each other again to see if the relationship fizzled out. It did not.
We decided to try the most ridiculous long-distance relationship in history! When we finally met again, I started experiencing intense itching between the fingers on my right hand. When we hold hands, which we do a lot, we intertwine our fingers. Each time I met my girlfriend, the intense itching would start. When I left to return home, the itching stopped. This continued for six to seven months.
After we got into the rhythm of a distance relationship, I started to enjoy it. I enjoyed the time that we spent together. I also enjoyed the time I spent on my own. After I reached the place where I enjoyed both sides of my life, the itching stopped. I resolved the separation conflict.
During the Covid pandemic, I was unable to return home for 9 months. A couple of months after not being able to return home, I started experiencing a rash and severe itching on the lower part of my legs from the knees down to my ankles. According to Dr. Hamer, this part of the body is affected by being unable to walk somewhere. This conflict can also affect the feet.
To give some context, for the last 26 years, I have lived and worked in India. I have a strange spiritual connection to India and love it with a passion. I generally get homesick after being out of India for about two weeks and am ready to come home. I had not been out of India for nine months in more than two decades. And I had not planned to when world travel shut down in 2020.
Two months into the Covid lockdowns in Europe and my legs broke out in a huge itchy rash. It took me some time to work out what caused the problem. The conflict was that I did not want to be out of India, and I was stuck in Europe unable to return home.
The part I couldn’t understand at the time was that the rash starts when you resolve the conflict. What my subconscious mind was telling me, ‘you are out of India for more than two weeks and you are fine’. I frankly did not entirely agree with my subconscious mind’s conclusion as I was desperate to return home! It was a lesson for me that very often our conscious and subconscious minds can be 180 degrees apart in their opinions! Luckily, one of the skills I have learned while studying Germanic Healing Knowledge is how to switch off healing symptoms. Once I worked out what caused the problem, I could, for the most part, switch the itching off.
I learned a little while after that, the itching only restarted when I returned to my wife in Europe. When I returned home to the UK to see my parents, there was no itching. We will discuss this concept in more detail below.
Conventional Medicine (CM) Explanation for Atopic Dermatitis
Conventional Medicine (CM) Explanation for Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a condition that causes dry, itchy and inflamed skin. It’s common in young children but can occur at any age. Atopic dermatitis is long-lasting (chronic) and tends to flare sometimes. It can be irritating but it’s not contagious.
People with atopic dermatitis are at risk of developing food allergies, hay fever and asthma.
Moisturizing regularly and following other skin care habits can relieve itching and prevent new outbreaks (flares). Treatment may also include medicated ointments or creams.
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) symptoms can appear anywhere on the body and vary widely from person to person. They may include:
- Dry, cracked skin
- Itchiness (pruritus)
- Rash on swollen skin that varies in color depending on your skin color
- Small, raised bumps, on brown or black skin
- Oozing and crusting
- Thickened skin
- Darkening of the skin around the eyes
- Raw, sensitive skin from scratching
Atopic dermatitis often begins before age 5 and may continue into the teen and adult years. For some people, it flares and then clears up for a time, even for several years.
In some people, atopic dermatitis is related to a gene variation that affects the skin’s ability to provide protection. With a weak barrier function, the skin is less able to retain moisture and protect against bacteria, irritants, allergens and environmental factors — such as tobacco smoke.
In other people, atopic dermatitis is caused by too much of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus on the skin. This displaces helpful bacteria and disrupts the skin’s barrier function.
A weak skin barrier function might also trigger an immune system response that causes the inflamed skin and other symptoms.
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is one of several types of dermatitis. Other common types are contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff). Dermatitis isn’t contagious.
Risk factors
The main risk factor for atopic dermatitis is having had eczema, allergies, hay fever or asthma in the past. Having family members with these conditions also increases your risk.
Complications of atopic dermatitis (eczema) may include:
- Asthma and hay fever. Many people with atopic dermatitis develop asthma and hay fever. This can happen before or after developing atopic dermatitis.
- Food allergies. People with atopic dermatitis often develop food allergies. One of the main symptoms of this condition is hives (urticaria).
- Chronic itchy, scaly skin. A skin condition called neurodermatitis (lichen simplex chronicus) starts with a patch of itchy skin. You scratch the area, which provides only temporary relief. Scratching actually makes the skin itchier because it activates the nerve fibers in your skin. Over time, you may scratch out of habit. This condition can cause the affected skin to become discolored, thick and leathery.
- Patches of skin that’s darker or lighter than the surrounding area. This complication after the rash has healed is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. It’s more common in people with brown or Black skin. It might take several months for the discoloration to fade.
- Skin infections. Repeated scratching that breaks the skin can cause open sores and cracks. These increase the risk of infection from bacteria and viruses. These skin infections can spread and become life-threatening.
- Irritant hand dermatitis. This especially affects people whose hands are often wet and exposed to harsh soaps, detergents and disinfectant at work.
- Allergic contact dermatitis. This condition is common in people with atopic dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is an itchy rash caused by touching substances you’re allergic to. The color of the rash varies depending on your skin color.
- Sleep problems. The itchiness of atopic dermatitis can interfere with sleep.
- Mental health conditions. Atopic dermatitis is associated with depression and anxiety. This may be related to the constant itching and sleep problems common among people with atopic dermatitis.
Developing a basic skin care routine may help prevent eczema flares. The following tips may help reduce the drying effects of bathing:
- Moisturize your skin at least twice a day. Creams, ointments, shea butter and lotions seal in moisture. Choose a product or products that work well for you. Ideally, the best one for you will be safe, effective, affordable and unscented.
Using petroleum jelly on your baby’s skin may help prevent development of atopic dermatitis.
- Take a daily bath or shower. Use warm, rather than hot, water and limit your bath or shower to about 10 minutes.
- Use a gentle, non-soap cleanser. Choose a cleanser that’s free of dyes, alcohols and fragrance. For young children, you usually need only warm water to get them clean — no soap or bubble bath needed. Soap can be especially irritating to the skin of young children. For people of any age, deodorant soaps and antibacterial soaps can remove too much of the skin’s natural oils and dry the skin. Don’t scrub the skin with a washcloth or loofah.
- Pat dry. After bathing, gently pat the skin with a soft towel. Apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp (within three minutes).
The triggers for atopic dermatitis vary widely from person to person. Try to identify and avoid irritants that trigger your eczema. In general, avoid anything that causes an itch because scratching often triggers a flare.
Common triggers for atopic dermatitis include:
- Rough wool fabric
- Dry skin
- Skin infection
- Heat and sweat
- Stress
- Cleaning products
- Dust mites and pet dander
- Mold
- Pollen
- Smoke from tobacco
- Cold and dry air
- Fragrances
- Other irritating chemicals
Infants and children may have flares triggered by eating certain foods, such as eggs and cow’s milk. Talk with your child’s health care provider about identifying potential food allergies.
Once you understand what triggers your eczema, talk with your health care provider about how to manage your symptoms and prevent flares.
Dr. Hamer’s Explanation for Atopic Dermaitis
Dr. Hamer’s Explanation of Atopic Dermatitis
The description of Dr. Hamer’s explanation for atopic dermatitis and case studies is taken from Dr. Hamer’s Scientific Chart (, Bjorn Eybl’s book The Psychic Roots of Disease (, from Dr. C.J Varghese daily GNM health tips (, and Dr. Carolin Markolin’s website
There are interviews with both Bjorn Eybl and Dr. Varghese on my website
In Germanic Healing Knowledge, nature’s biological programs work in two phases. This is Dr. Hamer’s second biological law, ‘The Law of Two Phases.’ All diseases, or ‘biological programs’ as Dr. Hamer called them, go through these two phases. The first phase is the ‘conflict active’ phase. The second phase, post resolving the conflict, is called the ‘healing or repair’ phase.
In today’s society, the critical biological importance of a separation conflict has largely been lost. In the wild, if an animal is separated from the herd, it will almost certainly lead to it being killed by a predator. There is safety in numbers. These rules used to also apply to us, and still can in certain situations.
Conflict (The cause of the problem)
A separation conflict is caused by wanting to be with someone or something you cannot be with or not wanting to be with someone or something you cannot get out of your life. It can also be a separation conflict from a place that you want to go, but cannot go to. Or somewhere you have to go to that you do not want to go to.
Conflict Activity (When the problem starts)
In atopic dermatitis, and the many other conditions that cause skin inflammation and irritation, tissue is ulcerated and removed during the first, conflict-active phase. If the conflict runs for a prolonged period, the area affected becomes numb, flaky, pale and cold due to poor circulation. The condition is also accompanied by a temporary loss of short-term memory.
Biological Purpose or Meaning
One of Dr. Hamer’s many extraordinary medical discoveries was that all biological changes that happen in the human body have a biological purpose or meaning. Evolution has developed human biology to maximise our chances of survival. An increase or decrease in an organ system’s capacity can help us in times of trouble to survive difficult challenges in life.
With atopic dermatitis, the biological purpose is in the first, conflict-active phase. The area of skin where you miss the physical contact becomes numb. This is nature’s way of helping you to forget physical contact. You can also experience short-term memory loss. This is nature’s way of helping you to forget about the person you are separated from.
Conflict Resolution or Repair Phase (After the problem has been resolved)
Once the separation conflict has been resolved, the skin is replenished in the second, healing or repair phase, with inflammation, pain, and itching.
Healing Crisis (Nature’s way of removing inflammation from the brain and organ after healing is completed)
Healing can only happen in a fluid environment. When you cut your finger, it swells up. After it has completed healing, the fluid causing the swelling goes down. All tissues in the body can only heal in a fluid environment.
Pain and inflammation are nearly always a sign of healing.
Once the healing process is complete, the body needs to remove the healing fluid from both the organ and the brain relay that manages this organ. This Dr. Hamer named as the healing crisis. The inflammation is squeezed out of the organ and the brain. The body achieves this by temporarily putting you back into conflict activity. You will re-experience the separation conflict emotions that triggered the conflict and biological program to start. This can last from seconds to weeks, depending on how much fluid has built up in the brain and organ, and whether the healing crisis is interrupted.
During the healing crisis, you will re-experience limited blood circulation in the affected area. You will also experience dizzy spells, and either short-term memory loss, or in severe cases, fainting and temporary loss of consciousness. When this happens, it is important not to attempt to wake the person up. Nature temporarily shuts systems down so it can remove the healing fluid from the brain and organ. If this process is disturbed, it will keep happening until the fluid is removed.
You will also experience a drop in blood sugar during the healing crisis. The brain consumes high levels of glucose during the healing crisis to remove the fluid from the brain and organ. This leads to blood sugar levels dropping quickly.
Areas of the body affected
In the medical science Germanic Healing Knowledge, we can learn a lot about both the ‘type’ of separation conflict experienced, the ‘relationship’ that caused the problem, and the specific emotion experienced, by the area of the body that gets affected.
Inside of limbs
If you experience atopic dermatitis on the inside of the arms, legs, hands, or fingers, the conflict is caused by somebody whom you want to have in your life and are separated from. We want to cuddle them, but cannot. The physical contact points where our bodies touch get affected during the separation conflict.
*A lady patient aged 50 had an itchy rash inside her left forearm for a few months. The problem was caused by her son who recently got married. She felt that he was no longer loving her the way he used to before he got married. (Archive, Dr. Varghese)
Outside of limbs
If you experience the problem on the outside of arms, elbows, legs or ankles, this is caused by wanting to be separated from someone. You want to push, elbow, or kick them out of your life, but you are unable to.
*A lady in her late 50s had a rash on the outside of the lower part of her left leg. Her only daughter had ended up in a bad marriage and she wanted to kick her son-in-law out of her daughter’s life. (Archive, Dr. Varghese)
*A man’s father died when he was young. As the eldest son with two younger brothers, the man assumed the role of the breadwinner in the family. He finally met someone he wanted to marry. He was surprised that both his mother and brothers did not support his marriage. He developed psoriasis on both elbows. One elbow for his mother, and the other for the brothers (see description of handedness and brain wiring below for an explanation of how each side was affected). After marriage, the man had to live with his wife and had to ‘elbow’ his mother and brothers out of his life. (Archive, Dr. Varghese)
*At a patient‘s workplace, co-workers greet one another by shaking hands. However, one employee does not wash his hands and due to this, the patient refuses to make contact with him. This is a separation conflict in the sense of ‘not wanting to have contact.’ As he changes jobs and is no longer obligated to shake the colleague‘s hand, he comes into healing and develops a skin rash. The affected area is the back of the right hand, which he uses to shake hands. (Archive, www.germanische-heilkunde)
Face, forehead, and lips
The face (cheeks, nose and chin) gets affected by public humiliation. ‘I lost face in public’. This causes a wanted separation from public embarrassment or loss of face. This is described in CM as rosacea or lupus erythematosus.
The forehead specifically gets affected by an ‘intellectual separation conflict’. For example, I cheated in my final examination and did not deserve to be awarded my degree. The forehead can also get affected by physical contact with a cap or helmet.
*I had a friend who was a keen polo player. He used to get a rash across his forehead where his helmet made contact. He experienced this for a long period of time and then one day it just stopped.
He started studying GHK and wanted to understand this problem. He asked me to explain the problem to him. I asked him if his wife had ever tried to stop him from playing polo. He was shocked by my question. ‘How do you know that?’ He explained that she hated him playing polo and viewed it as competition for his time and attention. The rash was caused by an unwanted separation from the game of polo and went into resolution each time he played. The problem stopped when he separated from his wife. (Archive, Danny Carroll)
The lips can get affected by a kissing separation conflict. Wanting, or not wanting to kiss someone. They can also get affected by not wanting to drink from a dirty glass. Wanting or not wanting to have oral sex. This would cause what is called a cold sore. CM believes this is caused by a contagious herpes virus.
Head, hairline, and hair
This is commonly known as dandruff, excessive hair loss, or alopecia. This is caused by missing somebody caressing your head.
Back, chest, and stomach
The back, chest and stomach areas will get affected by either physical contact, or by emotional intent. The back can be affected by wanting someone to ‘get off your back’, or I have a problem ‘I cannot get off my chest’. If a baby or pet lays on my chest and stomach, those areas get affected. It can also be caused by wanting, or not wanting to leave a place where you have physical contact with the back and chest. For example, your favorite park bench you read your book on is removed. You move into a new place and it has a dirty bathtub you do not want to bathe in but you have no choice in the short term. This is a wanted separation from the dirty bathtub.
Legs and feet
You are unable to walk or run to or from somewhere. Covid lockdowns provided plenty of examples of this problem. I suffered from this on my lower legs when I could not return home.
*A man had intense itching on the soles of his feet. He was a very sociable person and enjoyed walking to town each day to meet local vendors and shop owners. During the Covid pandemic, he had to remain in isolation at home for months and could not walk to town. When the lockdowns were lifted and he could walk to town again, he got intense itchy rashes on the soles of both his feet. (Archive, Dr. Varghese)
*A right-handed, 16-year-old schoolgirl contracts a rash, first on her left ankle, then on the right. When she is asked whether she has had a separation conflict with her mother, her two pet cats or with somebody else, she says no. When asked if something related to her shoes or feet had occurred, she immediately remembers the following: three weeks ago she wore high-heeled shoes for the first time for an outing, which she enjoyed. This is a separation conflict from the high-heeled shoes in healing. Recommended therapy: Do not take such events seriously. If that doesn‘t work, she should wear high heels as often as she pleases. (Archive, B. Eybl)
This is a sexual separation conflict. Wanting to have sex with someone and being unable to. Or not wanting to have sex with someone with whom you feel obliged to have sex.
Generalized over the whole body
This is a generalized separation conflict that does not involve physical contact with a specific part of the body. Being separated from the pack.
*At 19, a, now, 53-year-old patient lost her ‘partner of a lifetime,’ a musician who left to travel. Instead of leaving with him, she stayed at home to help take care of her three young siblings because her mother was gravely-ill and unable to take care of them herself.
A neurodermatitis appears all over her body. She experienced two separation conflicts simultaneously, one affecting the inner surfaces as a result of coping with the loss of her dream partner, and one affecting the outer surfaces as a result of her desire to abandon her siblings and pursue her boyfriend. (Archive, B. Eybl)
*A mother, with a 4-year-old daughter, returns to work after six months of maternity leave. She works 20 hours a week, and the child spends two and a half days a week with her grandmother. The child misses her mother. The child suffers a separation conflict that causes her to develop neurodermatitis. The whole family, including the grandmother, then spend a week on vacation. For the first few days, the rash is worse than ever before. This is the repair phase. Towards the end of the vacation, however, the daughter‘s skin becomes wonderfully smooth and healthy, and the healing process is completed. Unfortunately, the mother returns to work after the vacation and the cycle repeats. (Archive, B. Eybl)
One side of the body affected
If only one side of the body is affected, this is caused by a specific relationship. Our brain wiring and laterality are determined from the moment the first cell splits after inception. This determines whether we are right or left brain-wired. In identical twins, one will always be right brain-wired and the other left brain-wired.
With the exception of the oldest part of our brains, the brainstem, how we experience conflicts, and which part of the body gets affected, is determined by our brain wiring.
Determining whether a person is left or right brain-wired is critically important when diagnosing the conflict that triggered the problem to start. If you are right-handed, or right-brain-wired, if the left side of your body is affected with atopic dermatitis, the problem is triggered by a separation conflict with your mother or child. The right side is affected by a separation conflict with everybody else. If you are left brain-wired, it is the reverse.
Just because you write with your right hand does not always mean you are right brain-wired. My wife writes with her right hand but is left brain-wired. Some religious groups believe that left-handed people are evil. They force young left-handed children to write with their right hand. They are known to follow practices like tying children’s left hand behind their backs to force them to write with their right hand.
The side of the body that gets affected is determined by the nature and content of your relationship. If you are right brain-wired, conflicts with your father would ordinarily affect your right side. However, if your father is elderly and you now have to look after him like a dependent child, it could now affect your left mother/child side. Or it could affect both sides if you view your father as a partner and as a child, depending on the specific content of the conflict.
Determining which way your brain is wired is a critical step to ensuring you are looking for the conflict in the correct relationship that caused the problem to start. And finding the initial conflict that triggered the conflict is the key to solving the problem.
There are a number of tests you can use to determine your brain-wiring and true laterality.
The clap test
Try clapping your hands. Your dominant hand is normally on top. If you are right-handed, your right hand will be on top and your left hand below. If you are left-handed, it is the reverse. If you clap like patty cake with both hands parallel in front of you, try the next test.
The nail file test
Try filling your fingernails. You will typically use your dominant hand to file your nails. If you are right-handed, whilst filing the nails in your right hand, you will hold the file in your left hand but the movement to file the nails will come from your right hand. It is the reverse for people who are left brain-wired.
Carry a baby test
Try carrying a baby, or a doll to simulate a baby. If you are right-handed, you will rest the baby’s head on your left shoulder and support the baby’s weight with your dominant right arm under the baby’s bottom. If you are left-handed, it is the reverse.
The swirl of the crown of your hair test
If you check the crown of your hair at the top of your head, it will have a swirl. The swirl can go clockwise or anti-clockwise. If the swirl is clockwise, it means you are right brain-wired. If it is anti-clockwise, it means you are left brain-wired.
This test is much easier to do with people who have short hair as it is easier to see the swirl in the crown. If you have long hair, wait until your hair is wet after you have washed it and then open up the hair and check the crown for the swirl.
Different descriptions for Atopic Dermatitis
A separation conflict. The area of the body indicates the type, relationship, and emotional content that caused the conflict.
This is caused by two separation conflicts running together. One resolved conflict is healing, and a second separation conflict is in the active phase in the same area of the body. This has the appearance of silver scales on a thick red surface.
Hives or Urticaria
Hives are also known as urticaria. This is the second or healing phase of a separation conflict.
Cold Sores
As discussed above, these are caused by a separation conflict of the lips or genitals. Wanting or not wanting to kiss somebody or have sexual relations. Or not wanting to drink from a dirty glass. In CM, this is believed to be caused by the herpes virus.
Rosacea and Lupus Erythematosus
As discussed above, rosacea and lupus erythematosus is caused by public humiliation and is a wanted separation from public embarrassment, a ‘get out of my face’ conflict.
Measles, Rubella, and Chickenpox
Measles, rubella, and chickenpox are all generalized separation conflicts. It happens more frequently in children as they are more vulnerable to being separated from the pack. If a favorite teacher suddenly leaves a school for a health emergency, the children who adore that teacher will suffer from either measles, rubella or chickenpox when the teacher returns to class. The children who do not care for the teacher will be unaffected.
Whether a child suffers from measles, rubella, or chickenpox will be determined by how they experienced the separation conflict. If the intensity of conflict was high, the child will be diagnosed with chickenpox. If it was experienced less intense, it will be diagnosed as measles. And rubella is the lowest in the intensity of the three conditions. But the conflict is the same.
CM believes these are caused by viruses and children are vaccinated against contracting them. These viruses have never been isolated and characterised in accordance with the Koch Postulates and are just a hypothesis.
Infants and young children often suffer from separation conflicts when they first start kindergarten. Once they become comfortable and confident that their parents will pick them up each day, they resolve the separation conflict and the rash develops. This is then diagnosed as measles, rubella or chickenpox, depending on the intensity of the conflict. Other children who have been taught this is infectious then experience a wanted separation from the child with the ‘disease’. When they resolve their conflict, they also come out with a skin rash and are also diagnosed with measles, rubella or chickenpox. It is then believed to have ‘spread’.
This is caused by what is described as a ‘brutal separation conflict’. It causes white patches or depigmentation of the skin. The separation conflict is perceived as being ‘cruel’ or ‘brutal’. This could be caused by physical abuse or the sudden unexpected loss of a loved one.
These grow as a result of relapsing separation conflicts that cause excessive healing. The location of the wart will indicate the nature of the conflict. If they are in the genital area, it is caused by relapsing sexual separation conflicts. Conventional medicine terms these as papilloma or benign epithelial tumor.
Chronic Atopic Dermatitis
If you have experienced some form of skin inflammation over a prolonged period of time, it is either caused by constantly oscillating between conflict activity and conflict resolution, or the problem is getting triggered by tracks or reminders of the original separation conflict.
When we experience emotional trauma, our subconscious minds make a record of the circumstances surrounding the event. It does this to use the information at a later date as a warning or danger signalling system. When you are in a similar situation in the future, the subconscious mind restarts the biological program.
These tracks or reminders can be any of the senses, sight, sound, touch, hearing, taste etc. If a parent beat you as a child and at the time, you were wearing a red dress, in future every time you wear a red dress, if your subconscious mind has stored the red dress as a track or reminder of that experience, it will cause a flare up. If you were eating an apple when you were beaten, each time you eat an apple, it will also cause a flare-up. Any of the circumstances that were recorded by the subconscious mind at the time of the trauma will cause the problem to relapse. Finding these tracks takes a lot of work, especially if the trauma has been a reoccurring conflict, or happened many years ago.
Once you identify the track with your conscious mind and connect it to the original trauma and the symptoms it triggers, it switches off that track and you no longer get triggered by it. The subconscious mind records these tracks or reminders as an early warning danger system for the future to help prevent us from facing the same dangerous situation again. When you identify those triggers with your conscious mind, the subconscious says, ‘ok you are now ‘consciously’ aware of the danger so I can step back’. The subconscious mind no longer triggers the condition to keep restarting.
I cover this subject in detail in my book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis.’
*In her childhood, a 39-year-old, childless, right-handed patient was beaten by her mother, and her relationship with her mother has not improved. At 25, she broke off contact with her mother to protect herself. Recently, her mother contacts her and they meet for the first time in years. The patient considers reconciliation but struggles with feelings of resentment. This is a separation conflict of not wanting to have contact.
A specific incident: She is sitting on a park bench when her mother happens to walk by. She hides her face so that her mother will not recognize her. She is in persistent repair and within a year, three epithelial cancers (CM: ‘superficially spreading cancer’) develop on the outer sides of her lower leg, thigh and upper arm. The patient is relieved as she hears about the Germanic Healing Knowledge and learns these ‘melanomas’ were in principle ‘warts’ of little significance, which had been operated on unnecessarily. She decides to break off contact with her mother so that she can end the persistent repair. (Archive, B. Eybl)
Danny’s Comments and Observations
Danny’s Comments and Observations
The most obvious difference between CM and GHK explanations of skin rashes is in the explanation of the cause of the problem. In CM, the explanation given is we either have a problem with our genes, our immune system has malfunctioned, we have too much bacteria Staphylococcus aureus on the skin, or we have contracted a virus.
Conditions like measles, rubella, and chickenpox, CM believes to be caused by viruses. These viruses have never been isolated in a human blood sample and are just one of the over 5000 unproven hypotheses that make up today what we call Conventional Medicine.
A German Virologist and Microbiologist Dr. Stefan Lanka offered a reward of 100,000 Euros to anybody who could prove the existence of the measles virus. The case went to the Supreme Court in Germany. Dr. Lanka finally won the case in 2016. The medical doctor who claimed the reward could not prove the existence of the measles virus.
If you do a search online for this case, every time Dr. Lanka lost the case, there was huge press coverage in the mainstream media. Every time he won the case, stone cold silence. When he ultimately won the case in the German Supreme Court, it was not covered by any mainstream media outlet.
I wrote a complaint to the BBC at the time of the case complaining about their biased reporting and they replied saying I was outside of the time allowed for making a complaint.
A virus has never been isolated in a human blood sample. Any virus.
In GHK, the cause of all skin rashes is a separation conflict. An experienced GHK practitioner can understand both the type of separation conflict, the relationship and emotional content that caused the problem by the location of the area affected.
Biological Purpose
CM believes that skin rashes are caused by nature going wrong and making mistakes.
In GHK, it is believed that nature will never make a single mistake in our lifetime. Our biology is designed to ensure our survival and adapts to the challenges that we face in life. The major problem is, we do not understand how nature functions. Nor do medical doctors. So we all conclude that nature is going wrong or making a mistake, when that never happens.
The biological purpose of skin rashes is in the first, conflict active phase. The affected area becomes numb and you lose your short term memory. Both conditions are designed to help you forget the person you are separated from. It is nature’s blessing. The price we have to pay for that blessing is inflammation, pain, and itching once the conflict is resolved.
Conventional Medicine
The primary treatment used in CM is steroid based creams. These provide instant relief by suppressing the symptoms and stopping the healing process. For prevention, it is recommended that you moisturize twice a day and have a bath or shower daily.
As soon as you stop applying the steroid creams, the healing process resumes with a vengeance. The steroids create a coiled spring affect. As soon as you stop the creams, the symptoms return with significantly increased intensity. If you have used these steroid creams, you will be very familiar with this problem.
You can never solve a problem by managing symptoms. You can visit any number of medical doctors and skin specialists, and bathe and moisturize as many times a day as you wish, but it will not solve the problem. I know people who suffered chronic skin rash issues and tried every cream, lotion and potion, but none of them solved the problem. Unless and until you focus on understanding and solving the separation conflict and tracks that cause the problem, you will experience the rashes for a lifetime.
Germanic Healing Knowledge
According to Dr. Hamer, the best way to solve a problem is a practical real-life resolution of the problem. This is not always possible. Dr. Hamer got testicular cancer and would have needed to get his wife pregnant to practically solve his problem, and his wife had passed her childbearing years. The alternative way to resolve the problem is to change your view on it or avoid the tracks and reminders.
It is critical to understand the exact cause of the problem, the moment in time when you experienced the separation conflict. If only one side of your body gets affected, working out your correct laterality, which way your brain is wired, is essential to make sure you have identified correctly whether it is your mother/child, or partner side, that has been affected.
Then you have to recall what was going on in your life when the problem started. The further back in time this happened, the more difficult it is to identify. Once you work out what caused a problem to start, which is often the most difficult challenge, you can work out how to best solve it.
It is often very difficult to identify the cause of your problem on your own and you may want to consult a GHK consultant to help you with this process. If you go to you will find references for GHK consultants to reach out to.
If a real-life resolution to the separation conflicts is not possible, changing your view of a situation can either downgrade the intensity of the conflict, and the healing phase symptoms, or heal it completely. After time has passed, a family disagreement that has caused a family separation, on reflection, is often viewed differently.
If a sibling takes your favorite shoes without asking your permission and destroys them when you are a teenager, this can cause a family crisis. When you are in your twenties and have not seen your sibling for years because of it, you realize the price you have paid for the family splitting up is considerably higher than the value of that pair of shoes. When disagreements are reflected on objectively, this applies in most situations. Objectivity, forgiveness, and understanding are very powerful tools in helping to resolve separation conflicts.
How do I solve my problem?
How do I solve my problem?
With the newly found knowledge you have acquired reading this digest, you now have a number of options of which path you want to follow to resolve this issue.
From my experience, the most difficult challenge you currently face after reading this digest is getting your head around the idea that atopic dermatitis is an integral part of nature’s design and has a biological purpose or meaning. And the idea that conditions like chickenpox, measles, rubella and herpes are caused by separation conflicts and are not caused by viruses is utterly absurd, right?
We have been brainwashed all our lives to believe that skin rashes are caused by viruses, damaged genes, weakened immune systems, and environmental toxins. According to Dr. Hamer, that is utter rubbish.
Is there any possibility that our current medical system is a for-profit business that has weaponized nature by saying it is going wrong and you need to pay them a king’s ransom to fix it, when nature is actually going right? Surely that cannot be the case. We all have to use our critical thinking skills and draw our own conclusions on this issue.
The next challenge is to identify the separation conflict that caused the skin rash to start. This often takes a lot of digging around, talking to family members etc, to get the memory to surface. This is the real work in Germanic Healing Knowledge.
To make the challenge even more difficult, when we experience a traumatic event, our subconscious mind buries it. If we had every traumatic event we experienced in life in front of our conscious minds, we would be miserable. So often, we do not have immediate access to the events that caused the problem to start. So you have to dig deep to make the memory surface.
Often, just the process of letting the memory surface and consciously connecting it to the original separation conflict and the skin rash symptoms will trigger a cathartic healing process. This is almost impossible to both explain and understand until you have experienced it. It is truly magical.
So how did I fix my atopic dermatitis issues? The answer is primarily with knowledge.
The rash I experienced between my fingers was caused by not being able to hold hands with my partner. My practical resolution to the problem was I started to enjoy being in a distance relationship. After reaching that mental state, the itching between my fingers stopped.
During the time I experienced the healing symptoms of inflammation and itching, I could switch off the itching by consciously connecting the cause of the problem with the symptoms. So when I said to myself, ‘I know my fingers are itching because I was separated from my partner and we could no longer hold hands, the itching switched off. Learning this skill is a true blessing Dr. Hamer gifted to me.
It took me some time to work out what caused the flare-up in my lower legs. So I suffered the symptoms for a couple of months. Once I understood that my subconscious mind had decided that living outside of India was not such a bad thing, even though my conscious mind disagreed strongly with that, I was able to switch the itching off.
I have not practically solved this problem as I still have a passionate love affair with India and do not wish to leave. Whilst I am free to leave and return at will, it is not generally a problem. In the rare case I get triggered by a track or reminder of not being able to return to India, I just manage the symptoms and switch off the itching. As it currently stands, I will never practically solve this problem so I just manage the symptoms when they flare up.
We are all responsible for our health, or lack thereof. I take decisions on the path I think is best to fully recover my health when I face health challenges. And I do quite often. There is not one path to follow, everybody’s paths are different. You have to take decisions based on what you think is best for you.
I have personal experience in resolving this conflict, so I have conviction in Dr. Hamer’s assessment of the cause of this problem, and how to resolve it.
Best of luck on your journey of solving the problem causing yours.
Please share your comments below. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Hello, i have hair loss, TMJ, and swelling in my thyroid. I already read everything about GNM, but still cannot solve anything. Any advice how i do that? I cant find practitioner because of expensive price
Hi Dede
I will be happy to guide you. I will DM you.
Very interesting and informative article.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Deejay.
This a fantastic view, explanation, and way to respond to dermatitis!! My dermatitis literally started on my wedding ring finger, as I was divorcing. It was the most horrendous conflict I’ve ever experienced, with a subsequent 7 year custody litigation. I have suffered for Decades, persistently reading scads of books, seeing specialists in allopathic and naturopathic domains [acupuncture, iridology, homeopathic and more. The lotions! The herbs! The magical supplements and cleanses! I was Desperate. I tried everything. Sometimes I got relief but couldn’t figure out why. Mostly it was a daily misery, affecting all parts of life. I was consumed by embarrassment, frustration, itching, such swelling that I couldn’t wear rings for years. Of course I went to doctors and dermatologists. “There is no cure” I was told but I could use cortisone creams conservatively [my skin thinned and bled] and steroids when systemic. I had episodes with a rash covering my entire body. I worked with Danny last year — his patience, caring, optimism, and generous heart to share what works were outstanding. And, extraordinary — no doctor shared a such determination to help me. I can say, if you suffer from dermatitis, read this article. Read it several times – it is a paradigm shift and we have a deeply ingrained model of dis-ease. Know that it CAN clear. Then, if you need the living guidance, consult with Danny. Relief and Renewal are available here. Infinite gratitude to Dr. H and to Danny for taking his suffering and training in this healing approach and determining how to heal and having the guts and heart to share it with us!
It has been an absolute pleasure working with you Deborah. God bless you for sharing your feedback.
This book is so insightful and a paradigm shift on what disease is. My daughter has suffered from eczema since birth and have tried all healing modalities with only moderate success. I feel optimistic about her being able to heal fully by working through her separation anxiety through GNM.
I am glad you found the book helpful Shefali. Get your daughter to reach out when she is ready to work on resolving the issues.
How do I help my 18 month old baby to heal or switch off the itching? Do I talk to my subconscious primarily? Or can I talk to her directly?
Background of my daughter’s eczema: (I am convinced this is the situation/conflict that happened and resulted in her skin flare up. She is covered with the inflamation all over her body.
We got a tiger toy that needed the old batteries replaced. My husband opened the toy and the batteries fell out. They were corroded, covered with white and blue powder. My daugter grabbed one battery and put in her mouth. I jumped up, took it out of her mouth and hands and threw all 4 out into the garden. I was so full of anger, rage, and Fear that she may get hurt or get poisoned. I was angry at her, my husband and myself. That was on Saturday. On Monday she started scratching the skin which turned red around her neck. Overnight her right side of face was covered with little red bumps. I thought she’s resolved the conflict. The next day got worse. Then I remembered the batteries and by Thursday all skin was inflammed.
A year ago when she was 6 months a similar situation happened. My husband gave her banana to eat. I asked him to make a puree. He decided to try a whole banana. I reacted with so much anget amd fear that she may choke and forbid any food. The result was eczema flare up, same presentation, even on the right eye. It took me 6 weeks to resolve the conflict. I looked into GNM which I have been using since 2016. It always works on me and I have some tremendous spontanious healings. With the baby it’s more challenging but I will do whatever I can do help her relieve the itching. Also, I am aware I have to work on my anger and reactiveness to perceived danger. Apologising and forgiving myself and her. Thank you
Hi Agnieszka
If your baby has eczema all over the body, it means she has experienced a generalized separation conflict, being separated from the pack. It sounds like the way you have reacted could have triggered this conflict.
A child’s subconscious mind is always alert. What I would suggest you try is, when she is asleep, have a lengthy discussion with her. Apologize for making her feel like she was separated from the pack and tell her the problem is now resolved and will never happen again. You have to make sure it will never happen again. Give instructions to her subconscious mind to trigger a spontaneous cathartic healing and to switch off the itching.
I do not have a baby so have not tested if this will work or not, but there is absolutely no harm in trying it.
The critical success factor here is you convincing her subconscious mind that the problem is both ‘resolved’ and ‘will never happen again.’ The major problem here is you will be a central track to her conflict. If you cannot convince her subconscious mind it will never happen again, you will constantly retrigger the problem to start again. And she will end up with a lifetime of itching.