I have been studying health and wellness for over 20 years. I started studying nutrition and lifestyle health issues in early 2000 when I reached 106 kgs.
In the mid 2000’s, when a friend who I helped by funding her cancer treatment, died after three rounds of chemotherapy, I started my journey of looking for better solutions to cancer.
Danny Presenting at Tedx on Nutritional Healing in 2010
Below is a video of me presenting at Tedx on nutritional healing in 2010. I spent more than 10 years exploring nutritional healing as a potential solution to cancer, including turning vegan for five years. Alas, it could not answer all of my questions, so I ultimately moved on from it as a potential solution to the cancer problem.
Some fun trivia!
Two months after completing my first Ted talk, I got in the Guinness book of records!
In May 2010, I ran my first formal Ultra marathon in South Africa, called Comrades. The tag line for the run is, ‘The ultimate human race.’ The run is 89 kms (57 miles) in the mountains, at altitude. It has 4000 feet of inclines, 6000 feet of decent, and a 12 hour cut off to finish the race!
See if you can spot me at the finish line! I am wearing a white rimmed cricket hat. And check out the finishing time!

I thought running Comrades was the ultimate human race. In hindsight, the search for a better solution to cancer beats it hands down!
It appears I have a fascination for ridiculously impossible tasks!
17th May 2022, Dr. Hamer's 87th Birthday Celebration
17th May would have been Dr. Hamer’s 87th birthday. Sadly he died in July 2017. To celebrate his life, practitioners from around the world came together to celebrate. The event was organised by the team at www.globalgnm.com, of which I am a member. You can sign up to become a member for free.
All who participated shared some great learning experiences. There are many great videos worth watching. You can watch them here.
Shyam Mehta is a Senior Barrister in India, and the President of the local Polo Club. Shyam has been learning Dr. Hamer’s medical discoveries for the last two years and shares his learning journey and successes.
Andi Locke Mears is a practising naturopath and teacher of Germanic New Medicine / Germanische Heilkunde. She is also a Founding member of GHK Global in the US. Andi explains her journey of finding GNM/GHK, and where she sees it progressing from here. You can visit Andi’s website at https://andilockemears.com
Dr. Melissa Sell is a qualified Chiropractor. She discovered Dr. Hamer’s body of work after practising for 5 years. She is the co-founder of GHK Global in the US. Dr. Sell explains her journey from Chiropractor to practising GHK. Dr. Sell is the only person I have met who is self-taught in GHK. Kudos to Dr. Sell. You can visit Dr Sell’s website at https://drmelissasell.com
Bjorn Eybl discovered Dr. Hamer’s work in the early 1990s. He is a masseur and naturopath by profession. Bjorn is the author of the book ‘The Psychic Roots of Disease.’ Bjorn explains his journey of meeting Dr. Hamer nearly 30 years ago, and the challenges he faced writing and publishing his book. You can visit Bjorn’s website at https://free-new-medicine.com
Criminologist Snehil Dhall using Dr Hamer's music therapy in a crime setting.
Mumbai-based criminologist Snehil Dhall is testing the hypothesis that criminal behaviour is a syndrome, and is using Dr Hamer’s music therapy Mein Studentenmadchen to see if it has an impact in helping criminals to reform and move away from a life of crime. I will keep you updated on the outcome of the experiment.
Motiwala Medical College - Nashik India
In celebration of the 88th birth anniversary of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, over 100 doctors from all over India met at the Motiwala College in Nashik India to learn to use Germanic Healing Knowledge to heal health challenges like cancer, naturally.
Videos from the event can be viewed at https://www.globalgnm.com